Learn Play Nexus presents at the National Handwriting Association members day & AGM 2022

Our corporate member video presentation provided an introduction to our company followed by an update to the products within our handwriting range
As proud corporate and committee members of the National Handwriting Association, we participate in their annual members day and AGM every year. The 2022 virtual meeting took place on Friday 8th July and was as insightful and interesting as always.
If you are unfamiliar with their work in the field, The National Handwriting Association is a charity whose aims are to raise awareness of the importance of handwriting as a vital component of literacy, to promote good practice in the teaching of handwriting and to support those who work with children with handwriting difficulties.
During these meetings, the NHA provide a snapshot of the handwriting picture over the last calendar year – where things are progressing for the better educationally, areas where more research is needed to inform better teaching practice, and where handwriting seems to be placed within an ever growing digital age. By attending as a corporate member, we are able to be much more informed about the climate of handwriting and current teaching practices, which in turn enables us to respond appropriately with relevant developments to our handwriting range of products.
Amongst the many educational speeches and presentations throughout this years NHA members day and AGM, we were most impressed with the presentation and live demonstration by Dan Wright, who is SENDCO and Deputy Head of Snape Wood Primary School in Nottingham. In his segment titled ‘Handwriting as part of children’s whole development’, and as described by the NHA on twitter “Dan’s school really focusses on promoting legibility with automaticity in primary (which is) perfect for that eventual Secondary writing of revision notes.” Dan’s passion and enthusiasm for the subject of handwriting (and we suspect everything in the world of teaching!) was clearly evident, given the level of research and time he has spent to try and improve the standards of teaching in his school. We strongly recommend reaching out to Dan and the staff at Snape Wood Primary School to learn more about their successful teaching approach to handwriting. Take a look below at Dan’s Twitter post to gain a quick glimpse at the impact his handwriting training has had with his pupils:
We loved it. So great to see pupils’ progress. Dan’s school really focusses on promoting legibility with automaticity in primary. Perfect for that eventual Secondary writing of revision notes https://t.co/uATU2jA6rB
— National Handwriting Association (@NHA_news) July 8, 2022
Well done to Interim NHA Chair Amanda Mcleod for organising a successful Members Day and AGM 2022. We look forward to participating in next years meeting!
Click here to follow the National Handwriting Association on Twitter
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